• We care about your business

  • A team you can trust

  • A holistic approach

The Pivotal Process

At Pivotal Accounting we take the time to get to know your business and understand your individual needs. You can be sure the advice and strategies offered to you are intrinsically personal and relevant to you.

The Pivotal Process

Pivotal Accounting sees itself as an accounting team not a tax team. Here's why: while important, tax is all about the past. It's about the last month, quarter or financial year, about how much you earned and spent and owe. It is important to know how much you earned, where your cash is/went and what tax you need to pay. But accounting is forward thinking. It's an opportunity to do something today to move forward and maximise your return and reward in the future.

Don't be surprised when you visit us that we ask questions. That's exactly how the Pivotal Accounting team ensures it delivers the best results for you and your business. Often people come to us knowing the goals they wish to achieve, but not knowing how to make it happen! This is why a key element in the Pivotal Accounting process is to actively uncover the layers to your business: how it operates; core values and philosophies; your business culture; finance – and to understand what it means to you.

At Pivotal Accounting we take the time to get to understand your individual needs. You can be sure the advice and strategies offered to you are intrinsically personal and relevant to you.

Holistic accounting – dealing with the cause rather than just the effects

A core philosophy at Pivotal Accounting is approaching business holistically, meaning no matter will be dealt with in isolation. Having a thorough understanding of all aspects of you and your business will enable the team at Pivotal Accounting to support you.

Think of it like this: if you're constantly run down and coming down with the flu all the time, you could go to a doctor who will treat each flu individually, relieving some of the symptoms. Alternatively, you could see a doctor who will review your circumstances provide a proactive, consistent and comprehensive solution.

We see the value in taking a holistic approach to ensure the deep level health of your business, your business and financial well being, giving you options and tools to move forward in the directions of your choice.

Work to your own definition of success

The best way to achieve great results is to not just think about the results, but to think about the activity. If you have a good culture, solid values,clarity and a positive team – the results will take care of themselves.

Pivotal Accounting understands that everyone's definition of success and reward varies – not all goals are financial. The team will learn how you define success and reward, and tailor your strategy so you are reaping what you want from your business in the way that you want it.

Taxation rulings and documentation search

eWombat is a targeted search engine that only searches websites relevant to financial planners and accountants. A great resource to search for tax rulings, human services documents, etc.