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Charities need to lodge Annual Statements


A warning from the ACNC about not doing the paper work.



The Australian Charities & Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) was recently warned that charities that fail to complete two Annual Information Statements face immediate risk of losing their charity registration.

The ACNC says there are over 2,000 charities which have failed to provide both a 2014 and 2015 Annual Information Statement.  Each charity has been notified that their registration is at risk.  That assumes ACNC have received a current address.

This means they are probably putting at risk their Income Tax Exempt status or their DGR status.



Taxation rulings and documentation search

eWombat is a targeted search engine that only searches websites relevant to financial planners and accountants. A great resource to search for tax rulings, human services documents, etc.